Friday, July 9, 2010

a couple I missed...

Was a bit quick with adding these. For the 4th of July, my grandpa was honored in the Malad parade as the Veteran In Honor in recognition of his World War II experiences as a B-24 bomber. It was touching for me to be able to be there and watch him as people stood and clapped at this wonderful man!


So much has been happening, I haven't had time to update this thing...Here's simply a slideshow of the past couple weeks. They include a trip to Uncle Steve's work to play on his super-cool-jungle-gym, A midsummer celebration in SLC where we happened to run into a couple in our ward back in Sweden :), 4th of July celebration up in Malad, celebrating Father's Day with Great Grandpa Alder, the Oakley Rodeo, the Dinosaur Park, Swimming lessons, and playing in grandma's pool.