Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our Christmas :)

There are way too many pictures I wanted to share and talk about, but don't have hours to sit in front of the computer to put each one up and describe and explain, so instead you get a slideshow of our past month.

A short synopsis: We had a great Christmas! My sister and two brothers came out and spent 10 relaxing, refreshing days together. Having my family around made me realize how much I love them. Being in a foreign country for so long, I've gotten used to feeling like the "outsider", but every time I get together with my family, it makes me realize once again who I am and where I come from and gives me a sense of belonging that I haven't felt in awhile. They are my roots, my people, they speak my language, share my humor, and it's nice to feel that every now and then!

While they were here, we were able to go on to the shark museum, play games, run a 10K, grill hotdogs in the forest, see the fireworks, watch movies, eat ourselves silly, go out for pizza and just plain relax! I loved every minute of it and I will be eternally grateful that they came out here to see us.
The first couple nights after they left, Samuel kept saying he missed them so much and would lay awake in his bed crying because of it. Luckily we'll be out there this summer. When they left, it felt more like a see-ya-later, than a good-bye. I love my family dearly and feel lucky that I get to be an Alder!

ps. not all the pictures in the slideshow are from when they were here. Some are from before and some after. (and sorry I don't have time to explain them all)