Sunday, October 28, 2007

Too bad kids don't know about day-light savings...

So, this morning bright and early at 5:15 our dear Samuel came running in telling us he was "all done sleeping". After about 10 minutes of trying to convince him it was still too early and it was dark outside, he finally gave in and crawled into bed between Chris and I. Relieved, I was all ready to enjoy another hour of sleep, when I heard Sofia in her room getting up...augghhh! I sleepily (and not so happily) went in, picked her up, and got her a bottle. I naively thought I could just sneak back into our bedroom and have her drink it while laying next to me and then have her drift off into a deep sleep...didn't quite work. After she was done, she was wide awake and ready to play. Samuel quickly jumped on the opportunity and got directly and turned on the light. It's Sunday today and we usually start of the morning with The Testaments movie (the only sunday movie we have), so in one last desperate hope to get another 20 minutes of shut-eye, I dragged both kids out onto the couch, brought out the blankets, popped in the movie and snuggled in. But, that lasted a total of 10 minutes before Samuel was hungry and Sofia needed a diaper change. I gave up and started making pancakes at 5:45 am!

Frustratingly enough, Chris and I stayed up an extra hour last night because when 11:00 rolled around, we thought, "hey, it's only 10:00!"

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