Boy or Girl?

Yes, it's true, we are expecting our third child and are absolutely thrilled!!! I've gone 14 weeks now...which puts the due date somewhere in the beginning of April. I thought I'd just make it official and announce it to all you out in cyberspace :). I haven't been feeling so hot, but hopefully I'm nearing the end of the morning sickness part (whoever named it "morning sickness" was totally off! It's pretty much an all-day-sickness). But, we are excited. When i first told Samuel, he asked directly if he could see it. A bit disappointed, he found out he had to wait for mommy's tummy got big and fat to be able to see it. Samuel's rooting for a boy. Honestly with one of each, it'd be fun either way! Most Swedes don't find out the sex at all and because it's our third and we do have one each, we're contemplating that surprise approach. It's not very common at all, and in fact if you do want to find out the sex, you have to pay (all other medical costs are free) and you have to wait until week 27! But, we'll see. Anyway, now it's official!!! :)