Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, just a couple updates...Chris's arm is healing quickly and he'll be starting full time again this Thursday. As frustrated as it has been for him to not be able to exercise as usual, it's been great having him around the house a bit more often these past couple weeks (especially after a 3 week vacation in August). He's started running again, and that feels good. He can't bend his arm totally straight yet, but he's going to a physical therapist a couple times a week and is working on it.

Our little princess has been sleeping beautifully lately. In the past 4 weeks, we've only had 2 incidents of her getting up and then refusing to go back down. So, hopefully (fingers crossed) that phase in our little 2 1/2 year old is coming to an end. (I've also been reading Love and Logic and getting some good tips from that...however cheesy that book is, it has some good principles...i'd recommend it).

Samuel and Sofia have both started pre-school. Sofia was so excited to be able to start going this year. She's been walking Samuel to school with me for 2 years now. They go 15 hrs/wk, which is perfect both for them to get out and play with friends and for me to have some alone time with little Emmy and get things done around the house. Samuel and Sofia both LOVE going to pre-school, so that feels good.

I've started working one day a week at the institute here doing secretarial stuff. I've always had the job, but have mostly worked from home. Now I've been trying to go in at least one a week to get the things done I need to. Emmy gets to come with me, which is fine since she sleeps in her stroller most of the time. And when she is awake, she's so content to just sit in her stroller and play with her toes or hold a toy. :) (Wonder how long that'll last...)

I've started playing beach volleyball with a group of other moms in our ward too. It's A LOT of fun! I love sports and haven't had a lot of opportunitites to play lately. Now, we just need to get a basketball team going and I'll be set to go!

Emmy is growing like a weed and is as cute as ever. In a couple of weeks, she'll be 6 months! I love this age because she's all smiles and knows who mommy and daddy are. She can get so excited when she comes to us...I love it!

Anyway, that's that. Kids are getting their school pictures taken tomorrow, so hopefully we'll have them to post in a couple weeks. :)

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