Monday, June 8, 2009


This is the coolest things ever. We had a baby shower for a good friend last Friday. She lives in Wales, but is here for a couple weeks and is due the middle of July. She got this carrier thing and let me borrow it during the week to try it out and I have to say, it is the greatest thing in the world! I have a baby-björn that I've been using to carry Emmy in, but I can really feel it on my back and it's not so tight around Emmy and now that she's getting older, her legs and arms move sporadically and I have to hold her tight. But, this carrier holds her nice and snug and is SO comfortable to have on (and quite stylish). I'm seriously considering buying myself one now and would highly recommend it. I'm sure there's tons of different brands and styles, and probably a lot cheaper ones in the States but the one I'm borrowing is called Looma. Check it out at It's a Swedish brand. Anyway, I'm sold.


Villeosagamamman said...

Jag köpte en bärsjal när Ville var en liten hopplös bebis som bara var nöjd i min famn. När Saga föddes köpte jag en till i trikå, som den du lånat. Jag skulle inte vilja leva utan dem, de går ju inte att jämföra med babybjörn - bärsjal är sååå mycket bättre!! Iallafall, du kan låna en av mig tills vår bebis föds sen när Josefin åker hem.

Annars rekommenderar jag att du låter din mamma skicka dig en Mobywrap - det är samma grej som looma (tror jag) och MYCKET bättre pris. Fast testa gärna min först och se så du gillar den!
kram, Katrin

Alyce said...


Unknown said...

I have one like that. I never used it very much because I could never fold and tie it just right so that it would work good. Besides, Sophia didn't like it very much! :) Glad that you can work it right and Emmy likes it!

Chelli said...

I love that! I'll have to look into that when we have our next child.