This is our 6 year old! Because his birthday's in December, he's the youngest in his class (unlike the States where the cut off date for school kids is sept, here the cut off date is December. Which means all kids born the same year start school the same all kids born 2004 start kindergarten sept 2010 (the year you turn 6)). So, he was super excited when it was FINALLY his turn to turn six!!! Everyone in his kindergarten class is now 6 and that's pretty cool.

Samuel is a great kid, full of energy and imagination! Being the oldest of two sisters, can sometimes be a bit rough, but he's pretty good at convincing Sofia to play Star Wars and Legos, so it works out okay (I wonder how it'll be when little Emmy gets a little older and the girls will want to start playing "girly" things together...!)
His birthday cake wish was a candy cake, so that's what he got!
Everyone waiting patiently for a piece of it! (You can't really see it very well, but his shirt is a Star Wars shirt sent by Grandma and he is just in LOVE with it! So, thank you Grandma!!!)
And this picture I just thought was cute. The longer we wait to wash Emmy's hair, the curlier it gets :)