Tuesday, December 7, 2010

work party vs. church party

This past weekend has been full of parties for us.

Friday we got to go to Chris's Christmas work party. This if the first time in 11 years that spouses (or significant others) got to come, so we were quiet excited to get all dressed up fancy and get out (with no kids!). Chris wore a suit and tie and I had on a black dress, and we felt pretty sheek. The party was held at this amazing castle owned by SKF (Chris's company) and is grand and brilliant in every regard. It made us feel even more important. When we came, we were served "glögg"-alcohol free (no idea what that is in English, sorry, some type of wine I think) by waitresses in black and white and got to mingle until everyone had arrived. Around 8pm, we were brought into the dinner area where there was a long white table placed with nice china and silverware and candles all around. I felt like we were in some sort of movie. We ate, all very properly...Chris and I faked it pretty well. While we were eating, we got to experience "shots". Everyone got a little shot glass and every now and then our toast master would announce that we needed to sing a song, and then everyone would take a shot. It was fun to be a part of...we happily took our "julmust" (type of soda) while everyone was getting more and more tipsy. We even got to be entertained by a professional opera singer! Afterwards, we went into another magnificent room and had coffee and wine (again, we took julmust) while just mingling with each other. You could tell as the evening went on, that people were getting more and more loose. They had all ordered a taxi to pick them up and asked if we needed one, but we simply said that we had driven, and we were okay. The whole evening was new and exciting and so interesting to me. I'm glad we were a part of it.

The next night, we went to our ward party. Talk about night and day!!! Kids running around, busy RS members running back and forth from the kitchen, people coming in jeans and sweaters, bringing casseroles and cakes, cute primary children singing Christmas songs and sweet Christmas plays. It was so heart-warming to see how everyone helped out. The night before, I felt like we were being pampered, first-class, and yes, I'm not going to lie, it was nice. But, Saturdays party was more economy class and although it's not as "fancy", for some reason, I couldn't help but feel more at home there and happy to be a part of it.
Santa Lucia

And Santa's helpers

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