Monday, February 15, 2010

Emmy's got hair!

check out this bed hair :)
I've been noticing little wisps of hair on the Emmy's sides and decided to test it out with pig-tails yesterday. I thought she looked adorable. Samuel and Sofia got so excited and squealed with delight at the thought that Emmy was getting big enough to put her hair up as well as being able to stand while holding on to things. They're so proud of their little sister :)


Alyce said...

Love those pigtails!

Lindsay said...

So cute! I remember trying SO HARD on McKenzie's 1st birthday to get just enough hair to put in one little ponytail on the top of her head...didn't ever work out. Why aren't our girls born with luscious, beautiful hair!? (good thing it comes in later, though!)

Maria said...

Those pigtails are SO cute! I can't believe how big she is! Wow!